Thursday, March 1, 2007

L'artiste et s'art

3 Designs (on the right) I recently drew for midterms. Lets just say, it took forever. People kept saying, "wow you're so detailed". Sometimes I don't want to be, but I can't stand simplicity. Maybe thats also who I am, I'm a complex person. I want to design clothes that are fun, not rigid or snobby. The style is carefree, colorful, energetic, bold, non-conformist, unafraid of ridicule, confident, yet at the same time this person is loving, intelligent, okay...and loves God..haha. And loves music and art...and sports..hahah. O and likes singing karaoke and dancing on a roof, then she'll have balloon dresses that can expand to help her fly to Neverland. Anyways...

The other two (below) are variations of this coat. I just finished those today. My friend laughed when I said, "I don't want to dye my hair ever! Until I turn like 50, when I have gray hair...then I'll dye it bright blue or orange." She said, "I can imagine you at an asian supermarket as an old granny with bright blue hair picking out 50 cents pears".

Hm...but maybe I'll dye it blue and purple, and orange. How fun! For now I don't want to ruin my hair, its like it'll be tainted you know what I mean?

Anyways, let us artist be filled with tons of God's creativity!
Here's a book I recommend: The Creative Call
It talks about our call as artist to use all we're blessed with to glorify God...I think. I only read a few pages and am planning on going back to Borders to finish it. Yes, I am frugal too. :) An artist got to budget!


Jer said...

hey,you're posting! cool fashions.

Anonymous said...

REBEKKAAAA!!! i just looked up your website from the card you gave me a while ago and wahhhh your drawings are soooooooo coool!!! my gosh, they're so cool i'm speechless XDD!!! hope you're having a great time in japan!!

<3 audrey