Tuesday, June 10, 2008


I still remember being a middle schooler, many people thought I was weird. I had this Tiger stripped shirt. I went through many phases. One I'll call the Tattoo phase. My orchestra conductor, Mr. D, would always comment on the fake tattoo staring him in the face during Orchestra. Every week, I stuck a different tattoo on my arm, rubbed water over it, and waited, anticipating the vivid colors of an animal, cartoon, or at times, something hard core. Another stage, which overlapped with Tattoo phase, was the "Sleeve" phase. I had short, long, medium sleeves of all plethoras of colors. Some had stripes, some were bright orange, some were loose, some were skin tight. At the chill of the wind, I would whip out one of my sleeves and put it on. People thought I was soooo weird. That was three years before the whole Avril punk trend came out. Then everyone started wearing it. Not fair, I thought. She jacked my punk look.

Then I had a "hair" phase. I had three pony tails, from the front you see two pipi longstocking hairdo. Then you walk to the back and be shocked by the other sticking out from the back of my head. I also had three braids, sometimes I had one unbraided, and the other two braided. I was just plain weird. And I think I still am. I hope to not let go of this.

For Halloween, I tried to spike my long hair. And failed miserably. I was many times made fun of. But I am so thankful they did- thank you people, it has helped me to know who I am.

High school years, I started wearing this bright blue tights, people thought it was awkward. Yet, in a few months, tights became popular. Not fair. I had these green/ black and red/black striped tights that I were under everything- shorts, skirts, dresses.

Now, I am no longer the outcast I used to be- I thank God, yet at times, I long to be that person that people talk about in a bad way. With their heads high and voices low, they glance at me with eyes of criminals. Yes, it is she the weird, friendly girl with weird clothes. I am glad people notice this energy and joy in me, because then I can tell them its all God. Yet, there's a bittersweetness in people backstabbing you.

My phase now? Temporary hair dye. I'm trying plum next time. Ich liber men's wear. Women's wear inspired by men's wear. I believe in this word call "coo".

1 comment:

Will said...

Heeey, you posted this before! I guess we can have the same thoughts over again... Hope you're well!