Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Fashion that Screams

I've been researching many fashion blogs and sites. I would say more specifically Asian fashion (Japanese, Taiwanese mostly). What do you know, but I stumble upon a Taiwanese brand called "Screaming". The colors scream, a bright pink, and alas it belongs on my desktop. I am afraid to say American fashion is too afraid to scream. Some people claim fashion is vain, yes at times, but when treated properly, fashion is a reflection of the society and has deep implications. It is also art. When you go to Moca or Norton Simon, you don't say art is vain. Whether you know it or not, fashion is even the plainest t-shirt. Fashion is a pair of boxers, flip- flops, dollar store sunglasses, or a granny's dress. Fashion is everywhere. It is the way one combs his hair. Is fashion subjective? That is not for me to answer. But I will anyways, fashion comes and goes, plaid may be ugly one season, trendy the next. My philosophy, wear what you want to, who cares? Just don't flash me with an amusement park full of skin, that's one thing I am a fervent rejecter of.


The Orchard Christian Church said...

Hi Rebekka,
To be honest, I think these fashions above make the young women look foolish, and they are in bad taste. Just my opinion. But even 20 years ago, when I was in Tokyo as a young adult, the young women were wearing outrageous clothes in Harajuku just to be different. Anyway, I am glad you are not into public nudity passing as fashion, as is increasingly common today.

My wife and I are also into Jesus Christ, friends, Spiritual Leadership, and the Bible.

have a great day!
Matthew & Kumi Perri

Rebekka said...

Hi Matthew,
Thank you for your honest opinion. God has made each individual human being to be unique and thus we all have different tastes. Yes, we do many things to be different, but if we don't look past what they seem to be doing on the outside, we will judge them prematurely and thus not care about them as PEOPLE and people that God wants us to reach, people who may be hurting inside. Nevertheless we should stay away from such judgments as though we are more superior because we are not, all things we are and have comes from God's grace. So all in all, lets seek God's heart.

The Orchard Christian Church said...

Hi Again Rebekka,
My last comment only applied to the 2 pictures that you removed. As for the 3 remaining pictures above, though not really my personal taste, I believe they do show some evidence of style and fashion sense, and it seems like the girls put some thought into what they were doing. I am not judging the people. (at least I'm trying not to.) But I understood the context here to be a fashion show, which I believe is a public call to judge the fashions.

While I was dating Kumi, I was taking a fashion class at San Francisco City College, and I worked backstage at several fashion shows there, including Calvin Klein. (yes, it is kind of hard even for me to believe I actually did that, but it is true.)
Matthew & Kumi Perri

Jimmy Olsen said...

what do you think about japanese fashion?

Anonymous said...

I like this blog!!