Monday, May 7, 2007

Robert Polidori

Realization/ artist epiphany- if artists didn't exist there would be nothing to travel for, this includes God's art and the art humans create. Isn't that weird? If we went on vacation to Rome, Italy, France, le louvre wouldn't be there, buildings wouldn't be there, they were all created by artisans, architects. So I found this Robert Polidori, an amazing artist, French Canadian who creates these amazing photographs that makes you THINK. To me there seems to be an extent of beauty in the chaos, the mess of this world. A certain loneliness, shadowed by the unexpected colors and composition. Amazing, really.

The buildings we create, humanity in general is decaying, but the light that transforms the dilapidation transcends all thought or logic. That is how I see it. Beauty amidst chaos. Beauty amidst ugliness. Jesus shines His light amidst the sinful world.

Art cannot be created without a source of light, sure some pieces can be dark, but without light nothing can be shown. It is a rather interesting concept. In fact, it'll be a pitch black photograph, or a black paper, but without light contrast is nonexistent. So let Jesus be a light unto your path.

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